Horse Sensible

It’s a Lifestyle

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It’s kind of interesting how people value certain things in life.  Maybe it’s living in a big fancy house, driving an expensive car, or working out at the local club showing off your six pack abs.  I certainly don’t have any of those three things, but what I do have is a lifestyle that I treasure, and almost feel guilty for having at times.

My day starts out early feeding and watering horses.  Horses are always happy to see you, especially when they know you are going to feed them.  No hidden agenda with horses, they all have their own unique personalities, but they are all the same as far as no hidden agendas or motives.  Can’t say that’s the case with society in this day and age.  As I progress through the day taking horses through my training program, I find great pleasure in what I continue to learn from horses.  The day ends when I do the barn check at night, and I remind myself how lucky I really him, and how much I value my relationship with horses.

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