Horse Sensible


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I have always loved horses and had the chance to ride when I was younger. Then when my husband and I bought a property suitable for horses in the Superstitions of Arizona we decided to look into owning a couple. We knew that we would need to find someone who could teach us about riding and caring for the animals. We discovered Dave Rossiter and his Horse Sensible program and have come to appreciate our decision to have him work with us. The first thing we learned is how little we really knew and how important it is to understand your horses if you are to keep both you and them safe. Dave teaches ‘Natural Horsemanship’ and in a way that greenhorns like us can understand. Since starting in 2014 we have come to realize that anyone interested in horses should learn the techniques that Dave teaches. As we continue to improve we are also learning Cowboy Dressage and other skills that are taking us and our horses to new levels.

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