Start Your Horsemanship Journey Today

Laura & Smokey
Our Personalized Program is available for those of you who prefer more flexibility, and would rather focus on specific areas of horsemanship important to you, as opposed to working through our more structured Certification or Certificate of Completion Programs.
Teaching Format
The Personalized Journey Program is a flexible program where you focus on specific areas of horsemanship and or problem solving. Here is the flexible format:
1. Personal instruction via Private Lessons with Dave
2. Subscription to our On-Line Horsemanship Training Video Site Optional
3. Personal Videos Optional
4. If applicable, student can bring personal horse for instruction or problem solving
4. Students agree to sign our Personal Liability Waiver
5. Students agree to sign our Photography and Video Release
6. Students agree to sign our Horse Liability Release if Applicable
Here’s some Examples of Journey Members in this Program
1. I want to learn how to ride or improve my seat
2. I need help with a problem I am having with my horse
3. I never learned groundwork and would like to work through that Step of your program
4. I need to improve on lead departs and lead changes
5. I need help teaching my horse collection
6. My horse has always been a problem loading in the horse trailer
7. My horse has a good foundation and I would like to learn how to advance him to a straight up bridle horse
8. I need to learn some dry work exercises to improve my barrel horse
4. $55 per hour for Private Lessons and Video Taping Sessions
5. Group Clinics and Journey Member Gatherings are available at an additional cost
For additional information or to get started on this program, please call or text Dave at 602-405-1652